The following videos are of recent Inside Edition stories that features testing performed by HML.

Inside Edition – Mercury in Fish
Story on Inside Edition about the dangers of mercury in fish. The story features testing performed by HML, Inc. and a comment by our very own Dr. Hendrickson.

Inside Edition – Cruise Ship Story
Another Inside Edition story, this time about food safety on cruise ships. HML, Inc. did the testing for this story.

Fox59 Investigates – What’s in your public pool?
Fox59 Investigates (Indianapolis, IN) – Story on what sorts of contaminates can be found in public pools featuring an interview with HML’s own Jaima Ballentine.

Fox59 Investigates – Filthy Phones
Fox59 Investigates (Indianapolis, IN) – An investigative story looking at what sort of things our phones carry. Testing was conducted by HML, Inc.